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Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)

How it Works:

Earn your CNA License in 5 weekends in Hamlin.

Did you know we have a CNA laboratory on campus? Local student or not, you're invited to join our CNA course!

All adults and students from the surrounding area are welcome to join us each semester as we train the next generation for the medical industry.

If you are currently enrolled at Hamlin Collegiate, your program cost is covered by the school.

We partner with Cisco College to provide everything you need to earn your CNA right here from Hamlin! Join us for 3 weekends of classwork plus 2 weekends of "clinicals" to apply what you have learned. Once you pass the exam, 17 year olds and up can start earning right away as a CNA.




What's Next?

As a student in Hamlin, earning your CNA is just the first step!

You can step into the "Nursing Science" pathway and enroll in free nursing courses.

Our goal?

Map out the shortest, least expensive route for our students to become licensed professionals.