Distinctly Hamlin
What makes Hamlin different from other schools?
Students earn trade certifications and licensing while in high school... at no cost!
Hamlin Collegiate High School students are earning their college associate degree before their high school diploma... with an option to stay here for their bachelor's!
The expense of earning a 4 year degree usually leaves students and parents saddled with debt, many choose not to finish the degree plan, and there are others still who know the price is outside their grasp.
The exciting solution: Hamlin Collegiate has partnered with Collegiate Edu-Nation to provide free college courses to all HCISD students. Staff in Hamlin serve as both high school and college faculty, guiding the students to earn an associate degree and a high school diploma all by graduation. This is 60 college hours per student at zero cost to the family.
In Hamlin, we value where we come from just as much as where we are going.
Starting in 7th grade, Hamlin Collegiate offers a MacBook for each student to serve them in any online coursework, college courses, tutorials, and engaging learning methods inside and outside the classroom.